Hi All
What are all the great blogs and youtube channels you subscribe to, for all things HomeAssistant and Home Automation?
Hi All
What are all the great blogs and youtube channels you subscribe to, for all things HomeAssistant and Home Automation?
See show notes here:
There is also a great collection here:
Of course, Ben’s youtube channel, bruh automation too …haven’t seen new videos in a bit tho …
I have a channel i have been putting together, its still a work in progress but I have a few tutorials out there. Feel free to check it out …
good stuff friend ccostan
I just recently added videos on influxdb and grafana, let me know what you guys think and if you have any ideas for other tutorials
I just added a video for installing HADashboard!
BruhAutomation for sure
I’ve watched BurnsHA and Ccostan too, and subscribe to both.
couple others-
Misperry: https://www.youtube.com/user/misperry
DIYAutomate: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwpl3ZLLDx_LqOnhtFDq8iQ
and of course… self promotion:
DrZzs: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7G4tLa4Kt6A9e3hJ-HO8ng?view_as=subscriber
the Home Assistant Discord server is great for fast responses to questions:
There’s a link to join on the “Need help?”
almost forgot our man down under:
Superhouse.tv: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC75HTMhqVZs0sPOMTMQqI9g
Just added a new video on ios push notifications, if anyone is interested.
Just added a new video for telegram notifications!!!
I added a video on future rain notifications, check it out!!
Have you got a video showing how to install floor plans? That would be great.
it is on my list, i havent gotten it together yet, but i do have it in the works.
Cheers mate ! I will hold fire on getting a cheap tablet then.
I’ve been trying to document my smart home set up better, as I switched over to using Node-Red for automations alongside Home Assistant a few months ago. For anyone interested here is how you get the two talking to each other.
Node-Red is fun Need to document more of my flows.