It brings in all of the entities from your BI software and you can choose them which is awesome.
My doubt is in regards to the motion entities. I have motion detection set up on most of my cameras and they alert me through telegram etc.
But this motion sensor (and all of them) through the integration never show anything even though on BI they are being triggered by motion.
I’m asking what sensor is this using from BI. Where is it coming from and in my case why is it always ‘clear’?
I believe the motion triggers on the bi integration are only activated when this is enabled. As mine goes through deepstack and AI it will need to be done through the AI mqtt payload send as I’ve done above
I’m having a similar issue with the MQTT info being seen in MQTT Explorer but not on the camera motion entities in HA and also use AI in BI. Where did you configure that code to have AI send the correct info to the BI MQTT?