Blueprint - automatically switch off Air Purifier according to air value PPM

Hi, today I would like to introduce you my first blueprint. It is certainly nothing special, but it has give me a chance to get to grips with the subject and I can conveniently control and switch on my air purifiers now. I use it for my Starkvind air purifier. The Blueprint Notes are in German, but I think it is self-explaining.

Our air purifier is often switched on manually by people in our household who know how to do it, and I wanted an option for automatic shutdown. :wink:

Should work with any air purifier and an air sensor for PPM. The sensors are built into the air purifier in the Starkvind things, so I built in a small offset of 3 minutes so that the correct air value can be determined first before the action starts.

Description of the blueprint:

:blue_book:This blueprint switches the air purifier on according to an entity, switch or switch on the device and automatically switches it off again after the air value has been set. The time delay after the action is carried out is 3 minutes.

  • :control_knobs: Switch or entity: Air purifier is switched on according to a switch or entity and automatically switches it off again after the air value has been set.

  • :date: Areas in which air purifiers are located can be selected (multiple selection of air purifiers possible)*

  • :alarm_clock: Automatic switch-off: Air purifier is automatically switched off again after the air value has been set and manually triggered on the device.

Link to Github

or import directly using the button.
