Bluetooth BCM43xx - Initialization timed out

I have started to experience problems with my Bluetooth add-on:
I installes without an error but when I try to start it:

starting version 3.2.4
Initialization timed out.

And nothing more happens the log is flooded with this error message
2018-04-20 07:17:49 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.201804040] http://hassio.selanders.local:8123/hassio/addon/core_bluetooth_bcm43xx:1:10619 Unable to get property ‘root’ of undefined or null reference

any suggestions?

Mickael, did you get this fixed? i am having exactly the same issue now.


It disapered after a upgrade don’t now which one, I also connected a external USB Bluetooth dongel i don’t know if that had something do to with it.

I’ve recently started having the same issue the last few days. I think it may have had something to do with the update, but I can’t say for sure