My HA os on my raspberry pi 5 doesn’t see any bluetooth devices in pairing mode. I’ve tried the built-in bluetooth adapter, a usb adapter, and an ESPHome device. HA says that they’re working just fine, but it still won’t pick up anything. I’m on the verge of reinstalling the whole OS, but I don’t want to lose all that I’ve set up on it and have to restart everything!
Is there a way to manually connect bluetooth devices, or a way to completely remove the bluetooth integrations and start fresh from there?
The BT adapters in Pi’s are VERY short range due to internal interference and time sharing with the WIFI chip. They are meany to run mice and keyboards and other peripherals and such.
I suggest an esphome BT proxy. That yopu can move closer to the device you are trying to control as well.
Also, I don’t think the Bluetooth integration is going to pair like a mobile phone does. It provides the communication channel, but you probably need another integration corresponding to whatever the device is.
Thanks for your reply. I mentioned that I tried ESPHome, as well as a USB adapter that didn’t make any difference.
The thing that confuses me the most is why can my phone PC, and amazon alexa app all detect these devices, specifically bluetooth speakers and bluetooth lights, but no home assistant tool can?
I don’t expect the problem will ever be solved, but maybe some future Home Assistant update will surprise me…