Hi everyone, I’m new to Hassio and this is my first post. I have successfully installed it on a Raspberry pi 3+ and now I try to add a sensor to it. I have connected a known working BME280 to the I2C bus of the PI and I have added the lines in the configurator as suggested here : https://www.home-assistant.io/components/sensor.bme280/ I know the address of my sensor is 0x76 but I don’t see it added in the overview page. Is the I2C bus of the Pi is activated by default? How can I activated it via raspi-config as said in the tutorial? Thank you for your help.
http://ozzmaker.com/i2c/ describes enabling the i2c bus on the Pi and using the i2cdetect command to scan the i2c bus for your device address.
how make you the connection with the rpi