BME280 stops working on ESP32

I have a BME280 connected to a ESP32. I’ve seen it happening before, but for a few days it works fine. Suddenly it stops working. In the log the ESP32 says not I2C devices found. After a restart (power off/power on) it starts working again.

Any experiences with this or do I have a monday mornig example of the BME280. I think the ESP work fine, because the 8 relay board keeps working.

For what it’s worth, about 25% of my weather device collection that utilize BM[E/P]280 modules have failed over the years, either by reporting pressures that aren’t even sane for Mars or by jabbering/locking the I2C bus. Fortunately, they are cheap enough to buy if you want to try a replacement…

I’ve had the same problem with the BME280 and an ESP8266. Changing the sensor did not fix the problem but rebooting the ESP8266 did… so maybe it’s not a sensor problem.

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