BMW ConnectedDrive component

Na, that’s not the situation I think. After enabling climatisation my car responds with …

       "climateControlState": {
            "activity": "HEATING",
            "remainingSeconds": 1790.846

…under the ‘state’ object when using the fingerprinting function. Otherwise, the state is:

        "climateControlState": {
            "activity": "INACTIVE"

So I think the information is in there, but we need a sensor to get it.

I build an automation that disable charging above 75% of SoC but every time I find that battery charge is more than 80%. I thing that SoC is extimated during charging, I’m right?

Anyone else having issues since today?

I’m getting “Unexpected error fetching bmw_connected_drive-‘USERNAME’ data: ‘targetPressure’”

Was working fine until yesterday. 2023 G30 520d if it makes any difference.

Hello, yes same issue here, it happened after the 2023.5 update. Few others integrations broke (eg. Samsung Smartthings) but were already fixed… let’s hope devs will update BMW integration soon.
Thank you.

You might change your pw in your bmw Account. That worked on my side. JJ

Same issue here.
Changing password to fit the new BMW requirements (exaggerated, if anyone asks me) doesn’t help.
With wrong password the error was Failed to authenticate, with the right one - the error is “TargetPressure”, so it looks like authentication passes, something else is wrong.

A fix for the targetpressure bug will be part of HA 2023.5.3.

Hello does someone experiment this error : Unable to prepare setup for platform bmw_connected_drive.number: Platform not found (Exception importing custom_components.bmw_connected_drive.number).

This comes after the update of the HACS integration last week.

Confirm, it started to pop up in my notifications area after the recent update. Integration works ok, though.

Seems the integration is not workout at the moment. Anyone else having issues?

Double check you aren’t needing to subscribe to the $120/year fee (mine stopped working the other day and I found out it’s because my “free trial” had expired).

Yeah, seems they changed the password needs. I had to reset my password.

I was having the same issue with my BMW integration (failing to login from HomeAssistant) since 2-3 days ago.

Today after reading this thread I tried to connect to BMW Connected Drive using the computer, and it asked to reset the password (it was working fine from my mobile). Once I setup a new password and changed the password in HomeAssistant, it started to work again :slight_smile:


I have the same issue: BMW Connected Drive fails to login - apparently for some weeks already. I tried to change my password, and update it in HA but that doesn’t help.

Now it turns out BMW Connected Drive black-listed my home router IP Address (on the BMW website I keep on getting on the password reset page whenever I try to connect from my home Wifi; whilst it works fine over 4G) - that would explain why even changing my password in HA doesn’t work.

I cannot change my router ISP’s IP (it’s static); I contacted the BMW Connected Drive support in my country but they can’t help.

Did anyone knows of any BMW support service that could remove my IP from their black list?
Any other idea?

BMW Drive with a Electric Mini is not very useful. It is not possible to start / stop charging nor to change the power of charge. This is possible on board but not through the API. Is there any plan to implement this or makes it works for Mini ?

Did you ever get this resolved?

I had stopped using this integration since it BMW had started blocking my account while using it.

Decided to give it a try again yesterday hoping that the integration had been updated to maybe not pull data as much, but it looks like that issue is still present? Woke up today to see that BMW has blocked my access again. I had made no changes to the integration or anything, just added it and signed in.

Am I missing a setting to reduce the polling rate/etc?

Yes there’s a known issue if you pull too often, I think it’s mentioned above somewhere. Here’s what I have my setup running:


Then I have a few different automations that request service update the windows which will update all entities inside the integration (when charging I have it run this service every 5 minutes, otherwise it’s every 20 minutes, I exclude both automations from running between 1am and 6am since I’m never awake during those hours):

service: homeassistant.update_entity
  entity_id: binary_sensor.i3_120_windows

Thanks for the heads up.

If I disable polling in HA, will it still update whenever the car itself phones home?

Your automation for polling every 20 minutes, that’s long enough to not cause any lockouts?

Maybe someone can help. The integration was not working for several weeks now, and now I started debugging, and found some strange logs:

2023-09-11 13:48:50.902 DEBUG (MainThread) [bimmer_connected.api.authentication] Authenticating with refresh token for North America & Rest of World.
2023-09-11 13:48:51.489 ERROR (MainThread) [bimmer_connected.api.authentication] MyBMW API error: HTTPStatusError: invalid_request - The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter value (other than grant type), repeats a parameter, includes multiple credentials, utilizes more than one mechanism for authenticating the client, or is otherwise malformed
2023-09-11 13:48:51.491 DEBUG (MainThread) [bimmer_connected.api.authentication] Unable to get access token using refresh token, falling back to username/password.
2023-09-11 13:48:51.517 DEBUG (MainThread) [bimmer_connected.api.authentication] Authenticating with MyBMW flow for North America & Rest of World.
2023-09-11 13:48:52.845 ERROR (MainThread) [bimmer_connected.api.client] MyBMW API error: HTTPStatusError: Vehicle with specified VIN: WBYxxxxxxxCN19853 not found
2023-09-11 13:48:52.846 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.bmw_connected_drive.coordinator] Finished fetching [email protected] data in 1.995 seconds (success: False)

The VIN shows is NOT my actual VIN. I guess it’s from a BMW I had more than 2 years ago. Unfortunately I don’t see any way to correct that. Where would that be done? On the bmw-web or is there some config file hidden somewhere in the HA config?

EDIT: Solved it myself. In the BMW web, there was no other/old car, but I had a RENTAL car with that VIN in my BMW iOS app. Removed it, and now it’s working!