Board choice in config for Olimex ESP32-POE-ISO-WROVER(-EA)?

Hi! Recent HA/ESPHome adopter, new-ish to ESP32s, first time poster.

I have two Olimex ESP32-POE-ISO-WROVER-EAs. Olimex provides a pin map for the versions of their ESP32-POE-ISOs that use the WROOM chip, with the following addendum:

When WROVER module is used (instead of the default WROOM) then GPIO16 and GPIO17 are unavailable (both are used for the PSRAM inside the module). In that case we have set GPIO33 to go on UEXT1 pin #5 (instead of GPIO16). Also the clock for the Ethernet is now GPIO0 (instead of GPIO17).

Does anyone know which board from the provided PlatformIO list (which I cannot link to because apparently new users are limited to 2 URLs per post…) is the best fit for the config? There is of course “esp32-poe-iso” but I can’t figure out if any of the pin differences with the newer WROVER model are accounted for in this config. Maybe “esp-wrover-kit” or even “upesy_wrover” would be more accurate?

The Olimex site states that “ESP32-POE-WROVER-EA uses ESP32-WROVER-IE,” but having looked at Espressif’s datasheet for that model (which, again, I cannot link to…) I’m even more confused about the pins (which have pulldowns, which can be used as inputs, etc.) because the numbers and locations seem totally different from the Olimex board.

So far I’ve noticed a little bit of strange behavior, but I’m not sure whether any/all of it may be due to using the esp32-poe-iso board type in my config. Namely:

  1. ESPHome tells me I can’t use certain pins as inputs, but I can’t find other documentation to support this.
  2. ESPHome tells me that certain pins do not have internal pullup/pulldown resistors, but I can’t find other documentation to support this.
  3. ESPHome allows me to use certain pins (like 16 & 17) that (per Olimex) the WROVER module reserves for the PSRAM. (This is fine; I just need to remember not to use these.)
  4. I sometimes get different results using the same YAML with different pins, even though as far as I can tell from the documentation these pins are supposedly all interchangeable and available. For example, connecting the Echo pin of an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor to GPIO13 produces useful results; connecting the same pin to GPIO3 (and making a corresponding update to the YAML) produces nan or nonsense results. I don’t know whether to lay this at the feet of the board choice or not, but it seems like they could be related.

A related question might be: Does ESPHome even able to take advantage of the PSRAM in the first place? Am I just better off buying the WROOM module for future expansions instead?

P.S. I have not had a problem with wired Ethernet setup; the necessary pin designation changes are documented very helpfully in the Ethernet component configuration examples.