Bolted! Python based automations; easier custom-componets


About two months ago I started working on Bolted. It’s not finished and probably has some bugs, but I’m hoping there are some other like-minded automators who will get some use of it and possibly help contribute to further development.

In short, it is a Home Assistant Integration Framework that provides a better, friendlier developer experience than Custom Components alone. It makes development so easy, in fact, that it can be used to accomplish things that would normally be considered too “small” for a full-blown Integration/Custom Component, and things that would be considered too “complex” for Automations and Scripts alone.

It’s a mixture of what I feel are the best features of both AppDaemon and PyScript.

You can read more about:

Documentation is still lacking, as I’d like the API to solidify a bit more first. But, the README provides a sample configuration to get you started, and you can look at the Base Class to get an idea of how to use it. I’ve also provided a sample Bolt and Configuration if you learn better by example. Additionally, you can use the Discussions Board to share ideas or get help.