Bosch Indego

When I try the command in Postman I get:

  "cannotScheduleReason": "CANNOT_SCHEDULE:84,RAIN:73,CALENDAR:44,MIN:26",
  "lastMowSent": "2019-08-01T13:10:03.059+02:00",
  "lastMowCode": 500,
  "lastMowError": 14081

I am away from home and my Indego is stuck - that can be the reason not showing the calendar for me? But looks like something is coming out of the data.

The last command gives me:

'lastMowSent': '2019-08-01T12:09:19.365+02:00',
'lastMowCode': 200

To me, this seems like the last time the mower decided to start mowing.

Which don’t you understand, I’ll help you out

Here are a couple of tool numbers missing in the code:
3600HB0100 - Indego Connect 350
3600HB0101 - Indego Connect 400

Some numbers I try to get my head around:
Percentage: The number varies between 300 and 360.
Cycles: Are mostly 0, some times 1 and 2
Discharge: no idea, seems to be 0 when the mower is sleeping. Seems to be 1-2 when the mower is active.

I understand the other values, they makes sense: Voltage, Ambient temp, Battery temp.

I have just looked at these numbers for half a day yet when my mover is mowing. Maybe it is more easy to understand with more data and time. If you have any input, it is more than welcome!

I just added battery/percent and it seems to be accurate for me, sent it from the dock with 94% and it’s dropping steadily. Does yours not get above 34 even after charging? My 400 Connect returns a 0-100 value for me. The voltage data seems to just show percent/10 for whatever reason, mine now says 'voltage': 7.4, 'percent': 74, and your example farther up shows 'voltage': 34.0, 'percent': 340.
Yours is a first generation model correct, one of the big ones? Maybe there’s a difference here and those all show percentage*10, or that the first generation devices simply don’t report it properly?

Perhaps other could also report their numbers? Is there any pre-written step-by-step for people to use to get these numbers?
Would be nice to have that figured out because battery % is defiantly good to be able to see. Ambient temp and battery temp are really nice to have too.

Here’s everything mine reports for the battery:

'battery': {'voltage': 7.4, 'cycles': 5, 'discharge': -0.3, 'ambient_temp': 32, 'battery_temp': 32, 'percent': 74}

Yes, mine is an Indego 1000, one of the first connected ones. Rather large, but still working like a champ!

OK, seems to be some kind of difference here. As I said, my numers dont make sense, but yours seems to make more sense.

I will release an updated component shortly with the battery sensors reporting raw data. Then we can make users resport data and their model of mower. Maybe we can make something out of the numbers with more data.

My battery voltage sensor seems to make sense, as I can se a significant drop in voltage as my mower have a mowing session. My voltage seems to peek at 36 and drops down to 30 when the mower returns to dock för charging.

Ah, you know what, the Indego battery is 32.4V nominal, so yours is reporting voltage correctly, and voltage*10 as percentage, while mine is doing the exact opposite.

Hi, newbie here.

If the percentage is calculated from voltage, then 36.9V should be 100% and about 28.8V should be 0%. (for indegos 1000-1300)

@ltjessem is faster.

Btw: But that’s pretty st*pid idea because Li-Ion discharge curve isn’t linear. Now i understand the odd behaviour of battery indicator of my mower.

Discharge for me is varying from -0.2 to -1.9 depending on if it’s mowing or just driving around so this seems consistent at least.

@ ltjessem

I have implemented the two models that you provided me with before. You may try the updated component, it is in my develop-branch in Github. Bumped the pipy package to 0.2.0 with the model identifiers.

Hmm, this is a tough one to beat. To calculate the percentage from a battery voltage is hard. The battery voltage depenps on age, temperature and so on. Dont know how to solve this in a good way…

Don’t mind a temperature or age. Even an old Li-ion will be charged to the maximum voltage(if it’s not defective) and then voltage drops significantly at the begining of discharge (something you are not able to predict). I think you need just maximal and minimal value in combination with logarithmic function. (could be good indicator for aging of a battery as well)

Btw: Love your work! :heart_eyes:



As I said before, there are a release soon with the battery sensors so that users can report their values to me. Then I will include a calculated percentage based on the mower model.

I think I have to rewrite the API. Now when I have added some more sensors for the battery, I get “locked out” of the Bosch API. The API server seems to drop my session after like 15 minutes.

If you experience problems with the sensors stop to update, have a look in the log file. If there are many, many errors that the sensors didnt update, you probably are experiencing the same problem.

Btw: Shouldn’t 350 and 400 series have an 18V battery pack?

If so, then “‘voltage’: 7.4” is nonsense.

“Voltage” returned by the second gen indego is just percentage / 100 so no its not correct.

Please implement 3600HB0102 as Indego S+ 350 as well.

On my Indego S+350 battery is reported like this:

“battery” : {
“voltage” : 9.4,
“cycles” : 0,
“discharge” : -0.1,
“ambient_temp” : 23,
“battery_temp” : 23,
“percent” : 94

Aaaah get it now. Sorry, i’ve misread your post.