Bosch Indego

I am close to release 0.7 of the component, it seems pretty functinal and stable right now.

@uiguy: If you want to, you could try the 0.7b-branch on Github. I think I have solved the problem you wrote about above. Now the property states.sensor.indego_battery.attributes.battery_temp
should work out for you.

Edit: Didnt work out as planned. Have you tried:

{{state_attr('sensor.indego_battery', 'Battery temp')}}

This works for me…


New release today. Release 0.7.
More Alert information and the adjusted battery percentage for gen 1.

New releases today: 0.7.3. Some better alert handling, some bug fixes and HACS support!

Better give me some feedback now or development will stall. Soon there is autumn/winter here in Sweden and my Bosch Indego will be offline until april 2020…



Then we definitely need to handle an offline state! :grinning:

Sorry, love your work, just joking because my mower is offline now.

@Nath: I will release a beta tomorrow. Maybe you can try it out and see if it works for your mower when it is offline?

Sure, thank you!

If you are comfortable with it, change the following in the manifest.json:

“requirements”: [“pyIndego==0.7.6”] -> “requirements”: [“pyIndego==0.7.8”]

Or wait for a new release of the component (can take one or two days)

Known issue that i try to solve: offline mower will get errors and battery sensors will not work. But the integration starts at least!


Perfect, works like a charm.:+1:

Good! Now you are able to gett all sensors that doesnt require the mower to be online.

I will solve the battery sensors issue in the next release!

Edit: 0.7.4b2 (prerelease) is available via HACS. Working with offline mower!

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Hi @jm_73, just to inform you, that I almost newer use the Bosch Indego app anymore - I do it all from Home Assistant. So THANK YOU!

Would also like to have “next mowing time” and “last time mowing ended”. The first thing I can see in the Mower display and the last thing I can see in the Bosch Indego app. Moreover the state (not detail) could have the status “Lawn complete”.

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Hi there!

Nice to hear! Just to inform all of you, the development is on hold for now. I had to do something about my dev environment. The plan is:

Automization of the development with azure pipeline

  • Automatic syntax checking (flake8)
  • Automatic testing (with pytest)
  • Automatic build of pypi package
    Set up an dockerized dev environment

This is now almost done, but as usual the “how hard can it be?” approach is sometimes a bit timeconsuming…

The issues in the Git repository is still been working on.

Have a nice weekend!


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Seems like the Bosch servers are not responding since 04:00 CET. Not in the Bosch IOS app, and not my Mower component either…

Hi, any updates? I’m checking this thread everyday for anything from you! :grinning:


I am still working on the online/offline functionality. A release should be possible within a week or two. This release is going to be the last release this season.

A little less time on my hands now as my vacation is over and going back to work…

Kind regards J

I’m looking forward for the update, it sounds great. Thank you!


I am using your Indigo custom components since 2 weeks and it is very cool.
I just discovered in pihole that the component has 10.000 call to api.indego domain. Do you have an idea why or are there any chance how to decrease the number of call?
Thanks in advance.

I just wanted to chip in and say thankyou to @jm_73 and everyone who has contributed to this addon.
I have been looking for a way to integrate my Indego 400 Connect for a while and just stumbled upon this thread. I have managed to get HACS set up and then added your Indego addon all in an hour or so.
I can now see my Indego in HASSIO, have set up a few scripts with service calls and can happily command Bartholomew to do my bidding. Excellent! (a la Monty Burns)

I have a couple of questions:

  1. Does the API not report ‘returning to dock’? I noticed that the status remains as ‘mowing’ even when he is returning to the dock (as per the status reported in the app).
  2. The million dollar question: Any chance you can get the map to show along with live updates as per the grauonline portal? That would be epic!
  3. Can anyone think of a way to get the Indego to not return to dock until he reaches a lower state of charge? Mine, as others, returns to dock as soon as he gets to 50%. I reckon he could mow more in less time if he stayed on shift longer… I’m aware of lithium battery protection ideals but I wouldn’t mind pushing him a bit harder.

Many thanks for the excellent dev work though. Reading your learning journey was very entertaining!

Yeah, map (with a position) would be awesome! :heart_eyes:


Glad you found this integration! Very happy that some users find it useful.

  1. I have made two sensors for the state of the mower. One is Mower State and it filters the state to be useful for Home Assistant. I dont want a mower state that changes every 5 minutes for relocating, mowing, idle in lawn and so on (the Indego has a lot going on when just mowing). The other state sensor is Mower State Deatiled. There you can see exactly what the mower is doing. Maybe this sensor is more useful for you?

  2. Yes, that is possible. I have had my hands full with the Components base functions as I am new to developing for Home Assistant, beginner in python, new to Github… But maybe in the spring before next summer…

  3. No, that is not possible. The thing this component does is that it communicates with the Bosch API. And this functions is probably builtin to the mower. Also the battery capacity (percentage) is calculated. So it is not accurate I think. The Gen 1 mowers only has the voltage sensor, and the Gen 2 only has percentage. My component calculates the percentage.

I have some challanges left before the map function is on its way. I have noticed that the mower is not going to sleep when I run my component. The display is constantly lighting up and not powering down. I think some of the API calls my component uses goes all the way to the mower. I have to figure out which of them. And to make a method for not waking the mower all the time.

Kind regards J

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could you also add the Indego S+ 400 to the list? Tool number is: 3600HB0103.

Thanks for excellent work :slight_smile:

Best regards,