Bosch Indego

how to show last alert message in node-red? right now it shows me only number…

ID: 5eee9457fbf5913af035adcb: 104
2020-06-20 22:57: Stop button pushed
ID: 5eee0d2b63c534daa50a9cb3: 1004
2020-06-20 13:20: Not in database!
ID: 5eee060afbf5913af035400e: 115
2020-06-20 12:50: Mower is stuck

@jm_73 after installinnig 3.1 i see this error in ha log

2020-06-28 13:04:00 ERROR (MainThread) [pyIndego.indego_async_client] Get gave a unhandled error: Cannot connect to host ssl:None [Connection reset by peer]

what is this? :slight_smile:

Sometimes the api gives an timeout. The kntegration continues to work anyway and tries to update later on. If you have many errors like that and the sensors dont update with new values, please send me a debug logfile.


Regarding alerts:

Create a template sensor in HA to filter out the properties you want to have. I personally havent done anything in nodered.

Changes are comming in the alert sensor. The plan is to show each alert as an own property pn the alert sensor.

Hi all,

Can anybody help with HTTP call? I just want to switch on/off (Start lawn mower/Return to dock)

Thank you in advance,


You have to understand the concept of starting a session and to use session ID. You cannot just send a http request to get this working. See the API desciption and the code in the pypi package pyIndego if you want to learn how to use python to create a session and be able to communicate with the mower. Or better, start using the Bosch Indego Integration for HA!

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support for 2021.6.0?

easiest thing is to manually add the version number in the manifest.json file.

I get this : t.setConfig is not a function

Hi, Here is my code which works, I can’t remember how much has changed since my original post…

  - elements:
      - entity: sensor.indego_last_completed
          font-size: 15px
          left: 5%
          top: 10%
          transform: none
        prefix: ' Last Completed : '
        type: state-label
      - entity: sensor.indego_lawn_mowed
          font-size: 15px
          left: 5%
          top: 25%
          transform: none
        suffix: ' Complete'
        type: state-label
      - entity: sensor.indego_battery_percentage
        prefix: 'Battery : '
          font-size: 15px
          left: 5%
          top: 82%
          transform: none
        type: state-label
      - entity: sensor.indego_next_mow
        prefix: 'Next Cut : '
          font-size: 15px
          left: 5%
          top: 40%
          transform: none
        type: state-label
      - entity: sensor.indego_mowing_mode
        prefix: 'Mode : '
          font-size: 15px
          left: 5%
          top: 68%
          transform: none
        type: state-label
      - entity: input_boolean.indego_mow
        icon: mdi:play
          '--iron-icon-fill-color': '#FFFFFF'
          '--iron-icon-height': 40px
          '--iron-icon-width': 40px
          left: 65%
          top: 5%
          transform: none
          action: call-service
          service: indego.command
            command: mow
        title: Mow
        type: icon
      - entity: input_boolean.indego_pause
        icon: mdi:pause
          '--iron-icon-fill-color': '#FFFFFF'
          '--iron-icon-height': 40px
          '--iron-icon-width': 40px
          left: 75%
          top: 5%
          transform: none
          action: call-service
          service: indego.command
            command: pause
        title: Pause
        type: icon
      - entity: input_boolean.indego_home
        icon: mdi:home
          '--iron-icon-fill-color': '#FFFFFF'
          '--iron-icon-height': 40px
          '--iron-icon-width': 40px
          left: 85%
          top: 5%
          transform: none
          action: call-service
          service: indego.command
            command: returnToDock
        title: Home
        type: icon
      - entity: sensor.indego_mower_state
        prefix: 'State : '
          font-size: 15px
          left: 65%
          top: 25%
          transform: none
        type: state-label
      - entity: sensor.indego_mower_state_detail
          font-size: 15px
          left: 65%
          top: 35%
          transform: none
        type: state-label
    image: /local/img/larry.png
    type: picture-elements
  - aspect_ratio: 50%
      - entity: sensor.indego_runtime_total
        prefix: 'Total Runtime : '
          color: '#000000'
          font-size: 15px
          left: 10%
          top: 5%
          transform: none
        type: state-label
      - entity: binary_sensor.indego_alert
        prefix: 'Alerts : '
          color: '#000000'
          font-size: 15px
          left: 10%
          top: 15%
          transform: none
        type: state-label
      - entity: sensor.indego_last_session_charging
        prefix: 'Last Sesion Charging : '
          color: '#000000'
          font-size: 15px
          left: 10%
          top: 25%
          transform: none
        type: state-label
      - entity: sensor.indego_last_session_cutting
        prefix: 'Last Sesion Cutting : '
          color: '#000000'
          font-size: 15px
          left: 10%
          top: 35%
          transform: none
        type: state-label
      - entity: sensor.indego_last_session_total
        prefix: 'Last Sesion Total : '
          color: '#000000'
          font-size: 15px
          left: 10%
          top: 45%
          transform: none
        type: state-label
      - entity: sensor.indego_total_charging
        prefix: 'Total Charging : '
          color: '#000000'
          font-size: 15px
          left: 10%
          top: 55%
          transform: none
        type: state-label
      - entity: sensor.indego_total_mowing
        prefix: 'Total Mowing : '
          color: '#000000'
          font-size: 15px
          left: 10%
          top: 65%
          transform: none
        type: state-label
    image: /local/img/garden_map.png
    type: picture-elements
  centeredSlides: true
    enabled: true
    onlyInViewport: true
  navigation: null
    type: none
  slidesPerView: auto
  spaceBetween: 8
type: custom:swipe-card

only other thing I can say is:

  1. Make sure that your mower is connected and you are getting the data
  2. Make sure you load the dependencies for the card to work

I have not seen that error before nor am sure where you are seeing it…


Directly in HA lovelace editor for the manual card entry. if I enter your code directly. I have downloaded swipe-card.js and put it in www/custom-lovelace/swipe-card and entered in configuration

do you have an image available and configured the path?

image: /local/img/garden_map.png where is that… I downloaded larry.png and changed the path to /www/larry.png

The map is a screengrab I did from my phone and then saved it to my www folder

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Also, www is not recognised as a path in Home Assistant… you need to use “local”

So a folder called img in my www folder would be /local/img/larry.png

pasted your code. Something must have happend. I cannot get the bottons to work with the indego.command - that does not exist… ?


looks like this now

check your logs and see… often if the mower is stuck or stopped by something… like a butterfly flapping it’s wings in Australia (Sorry read previous love/hate relationship with Larry who falls over at the blink of an eye) the integration will not work as there is an alert on the mowever which will need your manual pin on the mower to get going again…

I live in a country where everyone leaves their front doors wide open… the PIN code thing does my head in!

Also, try and run the commands from Developer tools

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oh, also I see that you use “Smart Mowing”… the best time of day to mow your lawn is between like 06:30 and like 10:30…

I would manually configure either a schedule in HA (and disable your schedule all together on the mower) or manually configure a schedule on the mower…

This way, I can be sure not to mow during or just after my pop-up sprinklers have run… it is not great to cut your lawn when the grass is wet, as the blades slide off the grass, and you get an uneven cut…

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GOT it! - It had moved so changed the code to

      left: 15%
      top: 5%

still missing to format the date and times :slight_smile:

But I like what you have done!!

yea, I can’t remember now if I did template sensors for things like Last Complted or if this is now baked into the integration…

Either or, it can be formatted correctly… but to be honest, HA has changed so much since I did this like 3 years ago, I have not bothered updating it…

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