Both SSH addons refuse to log me on remotely

SSH was working but then the standard addon was updated to prevent remote logon. I re-enabled by settng the port to 22. Still no login possible using Putty: no auth method available. Then I uninstalled the addon and re-installed the newer SSH & Web terminal. Which I find odd as the community version also has Web UI. Proceeded configuring, pasted my public key, left my Putty installation unchanged: still no login: connection refused; or server refused our key or whatever other error message the thing threw at me. Do I really need to start generating key pairs all over again and configure this whole process while it was working fine before? This kinda behaviour is deeply frustrating for users! And for the love of God: why two similar(ly) named SSH addons?

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I am sorry not to speak English, but I will try to explain the same thing in Spanish since the update of the recommended SSH addons, I am not able to connect through Putty.