Brand for home automation lighting

Ok I got the Moes Switch connected to the GH and I can toggle it thru GH. Im guessing I could connect it to HA via some GH connection but it would require internet access because of GH, right?

So the best option is still to flash it? Ive read up on flashing and I will still keep these Moes as original and wait for my new Sonoff T1 light switch. From a comment somewhere I understand that the T1 is accessible from HA with its factory original fw, so without flashing tasmota onto it, can anyone confirm this?

And where does this fit in:

Because from what I understand, flashing the switch with tasmota will allow me to mqtt into it from HA. But this library seems to do something else?

I’m looking at the Moes switches. Did you get this figured out? Did you flash Tasmota on them or continue using them through GH stock?

No, I just waited for the real sonoffs and was able to configure them using a custom_components folder and they showed up on the Overview but now they are gone for some reason.

Nevermind, they just showed up again…