Setting up a brand new installation of HA SO on a RPi 3 B+ leads to HA SO never starting.
Supervisor gets stuck with no connection and retrying every 30 secs.
There is one error before the retry saying:
x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid
And the date is clearly wrong, it shows we are in February 2021, instead of September as of today.
Since I cannot ssh directly to the Rpi and I could not find a way to do it on HA Cli I’m stuck not being able to set the Rpi proper date. I tried 2 perfectly good and working RPIs.
Trying to get anything else running only outputs an error saying supervisor doesn’t have internet connection.
Rebooting the Pi makes it only worst, this time supervisor wont even try, there is an error and an immediate SIGKILL.
The Pi is connected directly to LAN (although wifi was set, it’s the same result). Tried checking on the NTP on my router and even restarting the router but its the same.
What can I do?