Brightness control of groups

Some times ago I noticed that the brightness control of groups is some kind of strange. If you increase the brightness level of an light group, you only change the everage brightness level and not each individual light.

For example I have the following light group with the current brightness values

Living room (brightness 148)

  • couch (brightness 255)
  • TV (brightness 123)
  • desk (brightness 66)

Now I like to have some more light in my living room. So I’m increasing the brightness with this service call:

service: light.turn_on
  brightness_step_pct: 20
  entity_id: light.living_room

So I’m expecting, that every light of the group gets brighter by 20 %. As you can see that is not what happening. Every light have now the same brightness level, as the group (199)
The light “couch” gets even darker from “255” to “199”.

Living room (brightness 199)

  • couch (brightness 199)
  • TV (brightness 199)
  • desk (brightness 199)

It would be great, if every single light gets brighter and not the average of the group.