Bring back Add Card By Entity as an Entity Card

Prior to the release of Sections, when adding multiple cards “By Entity”, the default card type suggested was Entities.
Now the only option is a long list of individual tiles.

I like this new method and used it for small lists of devices like lights.
However, when adding a configuration panel which contains 50+ entities for a device, the resulting collection of tiles is far less usable than the old system.

Many of the entities have long names that don’t fit within a standard tile. Often these names start the same so a large number of the auto generated tiles look the same with the excess cut off.
Editing these individually is time consuming and frustrating.
In many of my actual config panels I have found it easier to just add and config them one by one (making the multi-select option redundant).

The entities card, being wider by default, copes with long entity names and looks much tidier for a long list of binary entities or numeric sensor values.

I think an option to toggle between the two would save a lot of time and frustration.

I think I understand what you want. You mean the “Add to dashbord” option from the integrations page right?
I mean you can either add somthing like

  columns: 12
  rows: 1

to the tile cards. With a code editor like VSC you can do search and replace.
Another solution is to add it to a not-sections dashboard and then copy and past it.
The tile cards even show a longer string than the entities card.
and if you want a really long card then go for a Sidebar view and the entities card.
I dont think that Sections is meant for old cards like entities so it is not used anymore.

Yes, just like “Add to dashboard”. It used to be the default when adding a new card by entity but it was removed.

I wrote a yaml/jinja template that can create a list of all entities for a particular device that can be cut/pasted into the entities card but it is no where near as easy as the system that they already had.