Broadlink IHC App configuration problem

I am trying to configure Broadlink RM Pro to work w Alexa after a full WiFi network changed that caused the old configuration to stop working.
I downloaded again the IHC App (iOS) and had a real hard time to get it to connect the RM Pro. After many attempts that failed I somehow succeeded (only through using the IHC Hotspot). However I am not able to add any appliances to the RM Pro group (Sony TV, A/V receiver, etc.). I cannot find in the database any remote that works (before, I always did) and cannot do a “learning” process. When I go into learning the “orange” light that lights when the teaching happens, never lights. It feels as if the RM Pro isn’t really connected although it seems it is. BTW, the RM Pro works perfectly well w the eControl App. please help.

Did the RM pro do a firmware update when you reopened the app?

What did you change for wifi? A new SSID? New subnet? Both?