A few cameras changed IPs so I manually changed them in the core.config_entries via SSH. I then restarted the server and when it came back, the CLI shows that supervisor started fine, everything looks good, but when I go to the URL to access lovelace I get the Unable to connect to Home Assistant, Retrying in xx seconds...
Not sure what happened, but I assume I fubared the config (done this countless times) and I am not sure how to get my system back. Would prefer not to rebuild as I have tons of items and customizations but any help is appreciated. All I can get to is the HA CLI via the console (VM).
You did a backup before, right?
Joke apart, if you don’t even show us the file (and ideally the HA logs), not sure what you expect from the community…
Happy to provide info - I am saying I am not sure where to start. Is there a way from the HA CLI to get into the Linux OS or enable SSH where I could get access to the files?
Happy to provide info - I am saying I am not sure where to start. Is there a way from the HA CLI to get into the Linux OS or enable SSH where I could get access to the files?
Hmmmm - not sure if I have asked a taboo question or if I am just SOL.
OK - after poking around via HA I found in the log what I expected - the core.config file has a typo in it. However, what I cannot figure out is how to get to the file from the console.
You didn’t had the ssh addon running, either?
I did - that’s how I was able to modify the file originally, but I simply did it through the lovelace interface. I went and looked to see if I could manually start the samba service or check to see what the dropbear port is set to since nothing responds on 22222 or 22. However, I am needing help finding out where that info is. Or better yet, how do I mount and or navigate to /config/.storage from the HA interface? I can run login, get to some version of bash, but not sure what to do next.
You don’t have /config in bash? Likely a ton of other threads on the subject of editing files from there.
I cannot help, not using haos myself
OK - you were right, I was able to find others trying to get there and it was under /mnt/data/supervisor/homeassistant /config and once in there I was able to use old vi to find and edit the config file. Turns out I was missing a ". It is back up and running.