Browser-mod doesn’t create entities for Iphone anymore

Anyone else seeing this? Not sure which update caused it, 2021.2.x or the latest browser-mod, but I don’t get any of the entities anymore.

Btw, happening on the IOS app, and a safari browser on the iPhone.

My computers browser windows do see an entity created.

Thanks for having a look


afer deleting all references to BM, and deleting the actual files, I did a restart, reinstalled it all, and now the entities are back.

Cant get the prefix to work though, as explained in the issue: No entities created for iPhone (app or safari browser) · Issue #190 · thomasloven/hass-browser_mod · GitHub


as @KTibow kindly pointed out to me:

This does not apply to devices with an alias.

user error, my apologies for not reading closely enough.