Browsing a subdirectory under www

Is it possible to browse the tree under the www. folder? ie I have a folder www/camera/ with a whole bunch of time stamped pictures. Is there a way I can browse into hppt:// and see all the files inside the directory. Right now I just get a 403 error.


You need the samba addon.

Have the samba addon. What I am looking for is a way I can send something like:
http://ha:8123/local/www/camers/ from any user and they will get the list of pictures left by the camera. So far drawing a blank as to how to do this. Even the crappy http:// directory listing from apache would be OK.

  1. /local And /www is one and the same
  2. You can access i.e x.x.x.x:8123/local/file.jpg or x.x.x.x:8123/local/picture-folder/file.jpg

It’s quite normal in web-servers that browsing a folder is not allowed, but fetching/open a file is possible ( if there is no restrictions on the file, in system-level-access-rights )
For you to be able to browse a folder . you need to enable that :wink:

Thanks for the message. Yes I can open the picture files in the directory, but I would like to be able to create the pictures in the format of: GC-yyyymmddhhmmss.jpg where the yyyy… is just the date and time the file is created. Problem is the user would have no idea what the file name is :slight_smile:

How do I enable the browsing of the folder in question? Not figures that out yet either :frowning:


You could just have a .txt file which you update with command-line sensor , adding the name ( or whole url ), so every time a user just access the X.txt file, and can click the name or date-time which they are interested in
If it’s a photo-album you are thinking about, i guess you have to look for an integration with this options

That sounds like an idea. Just need a .txt file with all the URLs for the various picture files. I will have to see if I can get that to work for me. Thanks for the hint.

Yes i guess this , something like this , would be the right way

As you won’t , shouldn’t tamper further down in the system , it will get wiped anyway at each update

I.e a command-line-sensor updating the txt file at each change of the folder , as i don’t know whether it’s 1 cam or several , i can’t really come up with more details.
i.e when a snapshot event occur , is triggered update txtfile with name of that snapshot

And if the users are within your network, you can also just use file-path in a browser
