BRUH DIY Multisensor

it should appear in the COM port .

<you tried in 3 different computers?

@Daniel_Gronlund I have to say that is awfully strange, I have survived all kinds of versions/modules of esp8266, and a ton of them 15+ (nodemcu, wemos, witty etc. etc) stuff from aliexpress and not a single one was faulty. If you got that many of them not working it’s too weird, what kind of drivers did you install like was mentioned above? depending on what version you order you might want to try with a specific driver, for instance if you got a module with the ch340/ch340g usb chip etc.

Yes, or 4 of them. 3 PC all Windows 10 and 1 Apple

I dont even get the beep sound when new hardware is found

I know, something gotta be wrong.
I do have the drivers above.

Even if it was a bad driver I should see it in device manager?

hmm, yeah you should hear that beep sound if anything and/or see something in the device manager, that is really odd… or in swedish, jäkligt konstigt… (just guessing from your name) :slight_smile:

Sorry I can’t be more helpful atm!

and you bought 9 from the same vendor? Very odd, maybe is one lot, all defective

I did buy 2, had the same issu so I did order 10 more. So feels more like im doing something wrong. Im gonna try to buy one more micro USB cable today and see.

Tack endå för din hjälp :slight_smile:

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I had a problem a couple of times with mini USB cable (not micro). Some cheaper models do not have all the pins connected.

I just received this one last week. I have still to find some time to install it, I will simply declare it as a binary_sensor and if motion is detected, turn on an input boolean that says that the machine is running with a first automation. Then a second automation that triggers when there is no more vibration for 10minutes, with the condition that the previous input boolean must be on. And as action it will notify me via telegram or via tts, and it will turn off the input boolean.

some usb cables only carry power. So maybe that’s the problem. Try hooking it up with a cable you received with a phone (usually they can carry information to transfer data to a computer). The usb cables for recharging game controllers also work,… try them all :smiley:

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Awesome, I might order one. Do you know if it’s just an on off device? or if it gives a vibration reading?

it can do both. The analog pin gives you a more precise vibration level, the digital pin just tells if there is vibration or not.

thanks, I will try this.

I want to make an automation for sensor.sn1_ldr, when ldr / lux value is 20 or below 20 turn on light.bedroom_light1.

Please help me to make an automation.


I did went down to town and buy a “platium usb cable” and i did get it to work :slight_smile:
I have gotten the sensor to connect to my mqtt server, i se the motion sensor but it only report “motion detected”

I will leave it on for 1h orso to see if it change any.


Glad you got it working! I was just gonna write that the problem should be from the cables.

@lambtho keep us updated on how it turns out, at the moment I have a Sonoff Pow reading the power consumption from the washing maching and send us a notification when its not consuming, but since I have a sensor on the same room already maybe I can add a vibration sensor and use the Pow on something else.

Got a mail today saying my 3d case is ready to pick up, if the guy has time I will pick it up today, I printed the Bruh case in light blue :smiley:

Now its been online for 3h and only report Motion detected all the time. Any idé What that could be?

I did wire volt and ground the wrong way :slight_smile:

I was precisely going to said that :smiley:

what about the 11 other nodemcu ? do they all finally work ?
Note that once you have flash the code on them, you can still use the old cables to power your sensors (as the data are transferred through wifi.