Bruh Multisensor Issues


Let me first of all congratulate you for setting up such a nice community!

Here is my problem with Bruhs Multisensor:
I can control the RGB LED using HA, so I guess the communication works over mqtt, however the sensor values do not show up in HA at all. Did anybody experience this issues also?

I have set up a wemos d1 running bruh’s multisensor sketch with all the sensors and the LED connected.

The output of my serial monitor is:

So I guess the sensors and LED are working nicely and are broadcasting using mqtt (wemos is connected to mqtt: “Attempting MQTT connection…connected”).


  • raspberry pi 3 running raspian
  • home assistant 0.63.3 (
  • mqtt settings in HA are: “mqtt:” in the configuration.yaml
  • configuration.yaml
    sensor 3:
    • platform: mqtt
      state_topic: “bruh/sensornode1”
      name: “SN1 Humidity”
      unit_of_measurement: “%”
      value_template: ‘{{ value_json.humidity | round(1) }}’
      sensor 4:
    • platform: mqtt
      state_topic: “bruh/sensornode1”
      name: “SN1 LDR”
      ##This sensor is not calibrated to actual LUX. Rather, this a map of the input voltage ranging from 0 - 1023.
      unit_of_measurement: “LUX”
      value_template: ‘{{ value_json.ldr }}’
      sensor 5:
    • platform: mqtt
      state_topic: “bruh/sensornode1”
      name: “SN1 PIR”
      value_template: ‘{{ value_json.motion }}’

sensor 6:

  • platform: mqtt
    state_topic: “bruh/sensornode1”
    name: “SN1 Temperature”
    unit_of_measurement: " F"
    value_template: ‘{{ value_json.temperature | round(1) }}’

I have another sensor with a DHT22 sensor connected to a nodemcu, which also broadcasts over mqtt and this one works very well:

Does anybody have a clue what is going on? Thanks in advance!

You have to create a group for your sensorndoe1. Then You can put the group in default view or other tab of HA

    name: Sensor  
     - sensor.sn1_temperature  <=== check your entity_id from dev>states
     - sensor.sn1_humidity   <=== check your entity_id
     - sensor.sn1_ldr  <=== check your entity_id
     - sensor.sn1_pir  <=== check your entity_id
     - light.sn1_led  <=== check your entity_id

Thanks Sunonline for your quick answer. I may have not very well described my problem. I do see the sensor in HA, but I do not get any value:

When you look in the dev states table do you see any other sensors with similar names?

Did you modify the max size in the mqtt library?

thanks rabittn! this solved the issue!!!

I am getting the same issue. I DID…
… in PubSubClient.h, however I am still getting no valid data from my sensors. Humidity and Temp read 0.0, PIR motion detected (always), LDR 1024 LUX (always). The LED, however, works totally fine. Is there a way to check that the Max Packet Size change actually made it through correctly in the compile? Any other thoughts?