BRUH MultiSensor Stops Sending Data


First off I’d like to thank Ben for his awesome work on this sensor and his channel.
Big thanks to the HA community and devs. My wife hates you all now since I’ve started this :smile:

I’m having an odd issue with the multisensor that I cant find any info on anywhere I look.
I’ve built 2 now and both work fine until I leave them unattended for a few hours and then they stop sending data to HA.
PIR goes to standby, Temp humidy and lux appear to freeze after I’ve left the room for a few hours.
If I re-enter the room the PIR does not register and turning on the light has no effect on the Lux reading. (it’s not range and other compoents stop too)
When I go right up to it and start waving my hands frantically over the PIR and touch the lux it seems to kick back in after a few seconds.
The ep8266 is warm to the touch so power is still there via it’s mains adapter.

My Setup:
Raspian Jesse with HA.
No real changes to default config other than Bens code and an automation for lights based on lux and motion.
I Tried 2 power supplies and build the second sensor because of this issue in case it was hardware related.
It’s like the nodeMCU goes into some sort of sleep mode.

I’m going to try leaving it connected to the IDE and see if I can reproduce it while the console window is open.

Just wondering if anyone else has had this or similar and can save me more google hours?

Thanks in advance,


It may be causing a watchdog timeout, I find I have to spinkle ESP.wdtFeed(); to stop this happening :stuck_out_tongue: You should see it in the serial console as wdt failure if it’s happening.

thanks for the reply, I’ll look into that angle but not seeing any error in the console so far.

I haven’t seen anyone get this thing working reliably. I’m guessing it’s workable somehow, but nobody as far as I know has posted code to do so. There is another thread on here about it.

It seems others have it working reliably for some in the main thread.

I have been working on similar functionality but with micropython and I noticed a similar issue. What was happening was that it was crashing sometimes trying to read the temp/humidity sensor.

I added a try: and except: for when I check my sensors and so far its been stable.( I just re-use the old values until next update)

Not sure if this information is useful for you

Bit of an update, I removed all libraries from the IDE and started from scratch as I’d played about quite a bit.
So far the newly flashed sensor is holding over 8 hours now.
The other one went out in a little puff of smoke after it overheated for some reason.
That last bit has me worried so I’ll be careful about enclosures and placement with these just in case.
Thanks for the replies.