Could someone add or update for this new router from BT please?
I recently upgraded from the Smart Hub 1 and it now throws up an error and my router presence detection has stopped working with Smart Hub 2
Thank you
Could someone add or update for this new router from BT please?
I recently upgraded from the Smart Hub 1 and it now throws up an error and my router presence detection has stopped working with Smart Hub 2
Thank you
Same issue here!
Hi. Did this issue every get fixed ?
I have a BT Smart hub and its not being seen. What did you put in your yaml file ?
No the Smarthub 2 hasn’t been added to HA. Only the original Smarthub works
My Smarthub 2 device_tracker works perfectly… but only on boot up. All the devices are discovered nicely. But then it doesn’t re-scan until the next re-boot. So obviously useless as a tracker.
It should be a bit better now, I’ve recently jumped onto the module that does the scanning and it should be more reliable.