⚪ Bubble Card - A minimalist card collection for Home Assistant with a nice pop-up touch

2.a) For the color of the dropdown button:

  Background: red;

2.b) For the placement. Everything is possible but this would be loads of work. Checkout: CSS Layout - The position Property if this really needed for you.

3.) Conditional text:

${card.querySelector('.bubble-name').innerText = state === 'on' ?  hass.states['media_player.bedroom_tv'].state : 'Off' }

For more examples checkout: Clooos/Bubble-Card Share Your Custom Styles Templates And Dashboards · Discussions · GitHub


I can’t seem to hide the “unavailable”

type: custom:bubble-card
card_type: button
  - entity: sensor.washer_time_remaining
    show_state: true
    show_name: false
    show_background: false
    show: |
      [[[ return entity.state !== 'unavailable'; ]]]
  - show_background: false
    show_state: true
    entity: sensor.laundry_thermostat_temperature
    action: navigate
    navigation_path: "#Laundry"
name: Laundry
icon: mdi:washing-machine
entity: light.office
styles: |-
   hass.states['sensor.washer_time_remaining'].state === 'unavailable' ?
   '' : 'mdi:progress-clock')}
  ${subButtonIcon[0].parentNode.querySelector(".state").style.display =
   hass.states['sensor.washer_time_remaining'].state === 'unavailable' ? 'none' : 'block'}

Screenshot 2024-11-26

It will show the remaining time if the washing machine is running. I used the following code to hide the icon when unavailable, but have no luck with states or text.

   hass.states['sensor.washer_time_remaining'].state === 'unavailable' ?
   '' : 'mdi:progress-clock')}

Thanks :slight_smile:


In this example ([Example] Timer-cards with round progressbar. · Clooos/Bubble-Card · Discussion #937 · GitHub), I hide a sub-button.

This I do simply by adding the “hidden” class.

${(() => {if(hass.states['timer.help_house_testtimer'].state != 'active'){card.querySelector('.bubble-sub-button-2').classList.add("hidden")}})()}

I hope this gives you a direction.

1 Like

Thanks mate, it works like a charm.

Thanks for your reply, to me and everyone else!

How do I amend the theme please? I’ve looked at the bubble theme and can’t see bubble-accent-color within it. I assumed I’d just change the colour there.

It is not in there.
Not all variables are included in @cloos his theme.

You can just add it or make a new one.
The values I use for the theme, are also not in @cloos his theme.

It does not have to be much.

Thanks a lot, but i’havent get it work with cover bubble card…
Maybe it will be included one day in the card

I really doubt that it ever will be included as a default.
But you can always make a feature request.

Check this example for the full code. It should just work.

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Hi everyone!

Over the past year, I’ve been working almost everyday on Bubble Card to make it the best it can be, and I still don’t believe how much it have grown in popularity. Watching the community getting this big and seeing so many people using my work has been incredibly rewarding.

Today I have an announcement to you all, I decided to create a Patreon as a way to offer something more for those who want to support me. On my Patreon, I share advanced YAML configurations, custom styles, and templates to help you get even more out of Bubble Card. For example, I’ve added one (my favorite) that allows up to four conditional badges placed around the card’s icons, like little sub-buttons that can display icons based on any entity state. It’s also a great way to learn about all the possibilities of Bubble Card custom styles and templates!

If you like my project and want to support its development, subscribing to my Patreon is probably the best way to help me keep the project going.

Also, let me know if you have any suggestions or feedback on this. Trying to find a way to monetize my work was not something I ever imagined doing, but I really hope you see it as a way to keep improving the project, and not as a negative step.

Here is the link:

Thank you so much for being part of this amazing community, your support will always makes a huge difference! :heart:

P.S.: The final v2.3.0 is almost done, thanks again to all the testers!


Can I do this for sub-buttons too? And if so how do i get the state of those sub-button entities? it seems to only be getting the state of the main button entity. Thanks in advance!

The icon color is in the examples in the documentation:

Is there a way to close the popup on a action? For example i have my own header and want with a tap on the x to close the popup

Hi! Yes you can, just use this tap_action:

        action: navigate
        navigation_path: "#"
1 Like

Could you post a screenshot?

Have a look here: ⚪ Bubble Card - A minimalist card collection for Home Assistant with a nice pop-up touch - #1877 by MrBearPresident

Hello, can i use bubble card to create a card as this?:
google lights

With this awesome bubble cards almost nothing is impossible.

For this you would need a Boolean helper and a light-group.

Screen Recording 2024-11-29 001159

In the gif the percentage is not shown, but this is simply done.

type: grid
  - type: custom:bubble-card
    card_type: button
    button_type: slider
    entity: light.help_house_lightgroup
      - entity: input_boolean.help_house_testboolean
        icon: mdi:chevron-down
          action: toggle
      action: toggle
    card_layout: large
    show_state: true
    show_attribute: true
    attribute: brightness
    styles: >-
      hass.states['input_boolean.help_house_testboolean'].state === 'on' ?
      'mdi:chevron-up' : 'mdi:chevron-down')}
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: button
        entity: light.dev_ff_hw_lamp
        button_type: slider
          action: toggle
      - type: custom:bubble-card
        card_type: button
        entity: light.dev_gf_lr_cornerlamp
        button_type: slider
          action: toggle
      - condition: state
        entity: input_boolean.help_house_testboolean
        state: "on"


I added a bubble card button on my dashboard, but i have white text color, is it possible to change this to another color?

Needed to update the first pop up card again, and then it worked. Was on 10 already so just opened the first one and saved it again and then it worked. Thanks again!

1 Like

second most elegant solution is to add follow code to the style part of the bubble card.

  --primary-text-color: #ff5555;

Most elegant solution would be to add this to your theme: