Buderus Logamatic 2107 KM271 Replacement with WiFi using ESP32 and ESPhome

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Itā€™s currently out of stockā€¦ Current plan is, to have it available again mid of January.

Hello, I see a strange behaviour on my R2107. The pump for heating (ā€œHeizkreis 1ā€ only) is running always together with the warm water pump. This leads to high temperature spikes going to the heater.
Do you know a method do deactivate heating when warm water is heated?

Hi Nils,

yes, there is a possibility to achieve this. Problem on my side was the opposite (before I added a heat pump and a buffer), I found it annoying, that the bathroom did not heat up for half an hour after filling the bath with water for the childrenā€¦ So I added an electic circuit to enable the pump even when water is heated, just to learn later, that it sould be possible to configure it :person_facepalming:
Iā€™m not an expert with Buderus Logamatic, but it seems, that for the heating circuit 2, this can be configured. At least, it is, what the service manual tells: https://www.intec-heizung.de/media/pdf/ec/3d/6d/Buderus-Logamatic-R2107-M-Serviceanleitung.pdf
But according to this forum thread, it also affects heating circuit 1: Warmwasservorrang ausschalten Buderugs Logamatic 2107M - HaustechnikDialog
It also seems, that thorugh the km271 protocol, there even is a setting for heating circuit 1: esphome_components/components/km271_wifi/km271_params.h at 9d74d117d01fa6e8576c2e30f0d812f270c2a6d8 Ā· the78mole/esphome_components Ā· GitHub
In the esphome km271ā€™s yaml, this config schould be named config_ww_priority_mode: esphome_components/components/km271_wifi/km271_params.h at 9d74d117d01fa6e8576c2e30f0d812f270c2a6d8 Ā· the78mole/esphome_components Ā· GitHub

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


Seems you solved it :stuck_out_tongue: