need help with getting my head around something if anyone can assist.
I have a couple of RTSP camera feeds to my wall display (Echo Show 15)…up until the last few months, all has been fine with two cameras live streaming all day long…but of late, both of these feeds can be buffering and even happens if you remove one feed and just show one camera. So I kind of understand that something may have changed to the Silk Browser to affect the streaming ability…
BUT…here’s where I get confused…If I run these videos through the Go2RTC with no streaming issues whatsoever, it’s possible for me to run 4…and of course, that means 2 play perfectly.
So I’ve worked out (If I am doing this right) that you can create generic camera instances of these Go2RTC feeds which then ‘should’ play as they do directly in the Go2RTC UI…but they still seem to buffer on occasion.
I am playing them via the WebRTC integration…again which I assume is the best way to do so…but it’s almost as if I need the ability to have the Go2RTC stream play directly in its own window on the display…
What am I missing here??
Thanks and happy New Year to all