Buggy Webinterface on Desktop

Hey! I have a weird bug, that crumbles all tiles into one place on my dashboard.
I have to reload multiple times until the dashboard loads properly.
It happens whether I use it behind a proxy or by direct local access.
Happens in Chrome and Firefox. Also in an Incognito tab and with an emptied cache.

I pasted a screenshot of the console upon loading. Weirdly, the HASS Addon “LG-WebOS-Remote” isn’t installed anymore. But the same errors also occur when it loads properly

Screenshot when buggy:

I noticed an error about the zoom function and tried to “zoom” with CTRL+MouseWheelUp, and this fixes the rendering for a second.

I still have this issue but found out, that it just takes >20 seconds until everything aligns. I think it has something to do with the referenced resources that are not present anymore.
Is there a config file, in which unavailable includes can get deleted?
Which file decides, what to load when accessing the web interface?

Fixed it :slight_smile:
I reinstalled the "LG-webOS-Remote-Control from HACS and then removed it again.
Did a little “Ctrl+F5” and voilà: No errors and fast loading.

Funny enough: This wasn’t an issue with the official app, just all browsers were freaking out.

Never mind…
I got to the point where I have no errors in the console anymore.
Chromium based browser now load home assistant perfect.
Sadly, my main browser, Firefox still has the old issue.
No errors and no 404/403 in the network tab. I also cleared the cache and cookies and tried the incognito tab. No luck.

Still experiencing this issue. Bumping in the hope to get a hint to fix it

Still having this exact same issue :confused:

Waterfox seems to be the issue. Switching to Firefox or Chrome fixed the issue for me!
Maybe there are some uncommon shenanigans going on with waterfox the way it currently handles javascript