Build Home Assistant Glow with any ESP32?

I have built one Home Assistant Glow with thew hardware mentioned in GitHub - klaasnicolaas/home-assistant-glow: ⚡ The power of energy measurements in your house. Now I would like to build another one and I have another ESP32 board Köp D32 (LOLIND32) för 166 Kr hos (sorry for text in swedish but I guess you understand enough). Can I use the same instructions and yaml file to create a working HA Glow?


Yes you can. You might have to change the board type to:

board: lolin_d32

But I suspect it will work without that.

Thanks for quick answer!
I update the yaml and give it a try.

I did not find a definition of which pin was GPIO12 so I tried a Wemos D1 mini which worked great for me.