Button-Card for A/C state spin and color based on attributes. JavaScript help please

I am trying to get the icon to spin if the fan_mode is ‘on_low’ and the icon to turn blue if the hvac_action is ‘cooling’

        - type: 'custom:button-card'
          entity: climate.bedrooms
          template: climate_button
            - value: "cool"
              icon: mdi:fan
              spin: > 
                  if (states['climate.bedrooms'].attributes.fan_mode === 'On Low') return 'true'; 
                  else return 'false';
              color: >
                  if (states['climate.bedrooms'].attributes.hvac_action === 'cooling') return 'blue'; 
                  else return 'gray';
            - value: "off"
              icon: mdi:fan
              color: white
          label: |
              return states["climate.bedrooms"].attributes.current_temperature + '°F'

What is incorrect?