Hello all. I have a strange behaviour when I try to template a custom button card.
I want to display a button for a shelly light switch (state on/off) but on a custom field, I want to display the shelly power consumption (same device, other entity).
On my template, I declared a variable with the name of the power entity like that :
power_entity: 'Nothing'
energy: |
return `<span>${states[variables.power_entity]?.state}W</span>`;
and my card :
- type: custom:button-card
entity: light.shelly_garage
template: btn_shelly
icon: mdi:home-floor-g
power_entity: 'sensor.shelly_garage_power'
but the custom field isn’t refrehsing properly. When I turn on, I don’t get the power state (I get 0). When I turn off, I am actually getting the power consumption (previous state …).
On and Off :
And what is really strange, if I name in comment, the target entity, after the return, the refresh is working (for the entity named, not the other) !
energy: |
return `<span>${states[variables.power_entity]?.state}W</span>`;
// console.log(states["sensor.shelly_salleamanger_power"]);
Any idea ?
it seems that js template doesn’t support variable for states collection