Please be paitient with me. This is my first topic an english not my first language.
I try to calculate the cop of my heat pump.
I created a template sensor but the sensor dosen´t work as i want to.
Also, you’ll have issues if sensor.gesamtleistung goes unavailable. You’ll end up dividing by zero which will result in an error.
Another thing, you’ve got some unnecessary parenthesis based on the math you are performing. Makes it a bit harder to read. You’re welcome to put them back, but I removed them below.
Lastly, you can make variables to make the equation more readable.
Thanks for response.
Now there is no error code but the sensor is 0 all the time.
I used the entity names of the sensors. Is that ok or shuld i try to use the MQTT masages istead?
I think the sensors are not korrekt linked.
Hello Peter,
How did you solve it, can you please share your solution and your experience with the cop calulcation.
What kind of heatpump do you have?
And maybe you can explain the factor 0,28, is this the inner diameter of the pipe?