I have a Fronius Symo Hybrid 5.0-3-S, a Symo 4.5-3-S, a BYD battery HV and a powermeter. The integration in HA works well with the official Fronius integration.
I can see the current consumption of the house in W in the solarweb view of Fronius. I would like to have that in HA as well. The current consumption is not available in the json data of the inverter and must be calculated. But I can’t manage to build a formula from the given entities. Has anyone ever managed to do this? I could not find anything on the net.
Thanks for your template.
I adaped it. But it doesn’t work for me, because I still have to consider the battery. But thinking about your template has given me an idea. I’ll log the values for a whole day, then compare them and get back to you.
I have created two different templates.
“aktueller_verbrauch” contains only the combined production of the two inverters + battery and grid.
In direct comparison of the current values with the Fronius display, this is usually somewhat higher. About 20 watts more. But if I look at the time course, they are not quite plausible, because I have small negative peaks here.
In “aktueller_verbrauch_alles” I have simply summed up all entities with the measurement W. Here the current values fit pretty well. But over time, the negative peaks are much larger.