Calculate total of entity state

Hi All,

IS there a way or template script what i can use to calculate the total of entities state?

I want combine all Zwave kWh usages in 1 sensor.

sensor.node_3_energy (4kWh)
sensor.node_4_energy (23 kWh)
sensor.node_5_energy (19 kWh)
sensor.node_6_energy (7 kWh)
sensor.node_7_energy (9 kWh)

All together the sensor will show 62 kWh and update all the time because the sensors will change.

The history_stat is not what i want. That show only history of 1 entitiy

The Min/Max sensor should get you what you want:

  - platform: min_max
      - sensor.node_3_energy
      - sensor.node_4_energy
      - sensor.node_5_energy
      - sensor.node_6_energy
      - sensor.node_7_energy

The other solution would be a simple template sensor:

  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ float(states('sensor.node_3_energy')) + float(states('sensor.node_4_energy')) +float(states('sensor.node_5_energy')) +float(states('sensor.node_6_energy')) +float(states('sensor.node_7_energy')) }}"

Thanks. WIth your second option snow i understand the float option :slight_smile: learning every day…

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Do not use that template, it will cause errors on startup. Using float() is not suggested because it’s not error proof. Using the | float filter is.

"{{ states('sensor.node_3_energy') | float + states('sensor.node_4_energy') | float+states('sensor.node_5_energy') | float +states('sensor.node_6_energy') | float +states('sensor.node_7_energy') | float }}"
{{ float('z') }} # Returns z, will cause errors when adding to a number.
{{ 'z' | float }} # Returns 0, will not cause errors.

@code-in-progress FYI

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Thank you sir. Much appreciated and noted. I guess I need to update some of my templates that I’m still using the float() function in.

To understand it as well. Now you have float just itself that’s 0 and put the states to it with a +

So if the state is not ready the float will be 0 until state is ready and update the total?

Alternative way of calculating the sum of several entity states:

  - platform: template
    value_template: >
      {{ [states.sensor.node_3_energy, states.sensor.node_4_energy,
          states.sensor.node_5_energy, states.sensor.node_6_energy,
          states.sensor.node_7_energy] | map('float') | sum }}


Corrected version:

  - platform: template
    value_template: >
      {{ [states.sensor.node_3_energy, states.sensor.node_4_energy,
          states.sensor.node_5_energy, states.sensor.node_6_energy,
         | map(attribute='state') | map('float') | sum }}
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A filter is applied to the item that precedes it

{{ 'z' | float }}
 float is applied to this

I love seeing @123 and @petro display their genius templates. Seriously, you guys KILL it when it comes to templating.

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petro is way ahead of me. I started using Home Assistant 2 years ago and petro helped me sort out my first template.

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@petro thanks for the info. He is helping me out also many times. And every time i learn more and more!!

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Don’t shortchange yourself. I’ve been using HA as long as you have and I still learn something new every time I see you post one of your templates or answer a question about one.

I’m convinced @petro is an evil genius though :wink:

I think I only started helping people a few months before you. I was a lurker for way too long. I don’t see a difference in our skills.

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It’s ridiculuous, I started 1 year earlier and I’m not even close to the skill level of Taras and Petro :rofl:

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This is absolutely phenomenal! I’d also like to ask then - how would one also make a nice availability_template for a sum of these?

Edit: It seems it doesn’t work for me, returns 0.0 :confused: Probably because when I use {{ states.sensor.shellymeter_0_energy }} i get back

<template state sensor.shellymeter_0_energy=60.52; unit_of_measurement=kWh, friendly_name=ShellyMeter 0 Energy, device_class=energy @ 2020-10-15T11:24:08.332922+02:00>

instead of just the value

Yes, the template is missing a piece

      {{ [states.sensor.node_3_energy, states.sensor.node_4_energy,
          states.sensor.node_5_energy, states.sensor.node_6_energy,
          states.sensor.node_7_energy] | map(attribute='state') | map('float') | sum }}

and the availability template

      {% set items = [states.sensor.node_3_energy, states.sensor.node_4_energy,
          states.sensor.node_5_energy, states.sensor.node_6_energy,
          states.sensor.node_7_energy] %}
      {{ items | count == items | rejectattr('state', 'in', ['unknown','unavailable']) | list | count }}
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Yup, in my haste, I missed a step. The original version I had used for testing consisted of a list of strings. When I converted it to use states objects, I forgot to filter it with map(attribute='state'). petro’s post has the correction and more.

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