Hi All, been learning how to use HA to intergrate my security cameras, take a snapshot on event trigger, then analyze the image with Google AI then notify my phone. All working well except I also want to record an entry to a calender as the last step in the automation. Using LLM Vision Events i have it set up and creating the event, but it returns an error saying both start and end times need setting. So I added the end_date_time data to be the same as start_date_time but now it throws an error saying it expected at least 1sec difference.
The entries are being created but how do I stop this error?
How do I add a few seconds or mins to the end time code?
Currently written as
- action: calendar.create_event
metadata: {}
description: "{{response_google.response_text}}"
summary: Backyard
start_date_time: "{{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') }}"
end_date_time: "{{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') }}"
entity_id: calendar.llm_vision_events
Thank you for any assistance