Call service Nodered

I would like to change state of my firealarm when it got state “Panic”, then I want to change it to “Normal” in Nodered after a time.

Could someone please help me, look at my attached picture. I get error message,
“Call-service error. extra keys not allowed @ data[‘0’]”

If you look at the bottom of the call service node, you will see the valid options for the data section.


What is tells us is that the command must be in hexadecimal. I don’t use this component so I am unsure if the word normal just needs to be sent in hexadecimal. You can try

"event": "6E6F726D616C"
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To add to what @Mikefila said: If your new to filling the data field, you can always use the “load example data” and it will probably format your data section correctly, but with mock-data. You would need to add the correct value for “event” yourself.

Thanks, but that didnt work.

Maybe there is an better way to change state of my entity, do you have any suggestions?

Did you still get an error the data field is incorrect or is it not not changing the state the way you want?