Hi I’ve just started with home assistant and I’m trying to communicate with the embedded MQTT server from the command line. The documentation gives this command “mosquitto_pub -V mqttv311 -t “hello” -m world” however, the -V option is invalid.
Error: Unknown option ‘-V’.
Tried using it without the -V option and the message isn’t sent. I know that the home assistant MQTT broker is up and working since I can successfully publish to it from an ESP8266.
Thank you.
From memory the optijon is a a lower case v. for example mosquitto_pub -v mqttv311 -t "hello" -m world
If not, man mosquitto_sub
will tell you the option to specify the protocol version.
I just got to check and upper case is the correct option… Which version of mosquitto do you have? Try this command
dpkg --status mosquitto-clients
It’s Version: 1.3.4-2
That version is from August 2014, and does not have support for MQTT v3.1.1.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade mosquitto-dev
to get the latest version in the Raspberry repository.
If that doesn’t work, you can connect to the mosquitto repository to get the latest version using this link