I have integrated HA with Alexa and I can now see my HA scripts in Alexa scenes so that I can call a HA script from Alexa.
Is there a way to pass a variable to that script?
For example, i would like to have a HA script to turn on a light and i want to pass as a parameter the room to turn on the light in. This is to avoid to create n scripts for turning on lights if I have n rooms.
Thanks in advance
Depends on the method you used to interface to alexa, but in most cases it cannot be done. It can be done using utterances, but again, that depends on how you interfaced HA to alexa.
I integrated HA with Alexa through the procedure using haaska and a custom skill with AWS.
I see the HA scripts in Alexa as scenes.
You’d have to create Alexa Intents then.
I don’t have an Alexa device only google.
But with google you can use the IFTTT integration to pass parameters in a verbal command.