Camera snapshops via notifications


I’m trying to send camera snapshots via push notifications using AppDaemon. Here is the Action which works via yaml:

    - service: notify.ios_my_iphone
        message: Motion detected on driveway.  Press to view feed.
            category: camera
          entity_id: camera.drive_way_camera

I’m struggling to get my head around how to replicate this in AppDaemon due to the nested properties. The message sends fine with:

self.call_service(“notify/ios_my_iphone”, message = “Motion detected on driveway”)

I’m just not sure how to add the data, push, and category parts.

Any help would be most appreciated.

Try doing…

data = {"push": {"category": "camera"}, "entity_id": "camera.drive_way_camera"}
self.call_service("notify/ios_my_iphone", message = "Motion detected on driveway", data=data)
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Amazing. Thank you.