Can anyone help with a template and helper issue?

Hi all,

wonder if anyone can help with the following scenario:

I’m looking to make use of a input_select, where a list of half hour times are provided. I’m trying to match the current time to the time selected (or within a 5 min after tolerance):

The dropdown list of values are defined as below:

I’ve tried creating 2 templates, called current_time and current_time_plus_5

- sensor:
  - name: current_time
    state: >
        {{ (now()).strftime("%H:%M:%S") }}

  - name: current_time_plus_5
    state: >
        {{ (now() + timedelta(minutes = 5)).strftime("%H:%M:%S") }}

Which is then picked up in a template in an automation:

{% if ((states('input_select.time_of_day')  >= states('current_time')) and (states('input_select.time_of_day')  <= states('current_time_plus_5'))) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

However, even with the current time is within the allocated timeframe, this is still not returning true.

Can anyone help with how this should be coded?

Thanks in advance!

You don’t need any other sensors.

{% set tod = today_at(states('input_select.time_of_day')) %}
{{ tod <= now() <= tod + timedelta(minutes=5) }}
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Thanks Petro, much appreciated - works great!