Can ESPHome power measuring devices be nested?

Hey there, community :wave:

I’ve been using the Emporia ecosystem for a while now with some custom-created python scripts for power monitoring (they scrape data from Emporia cloud and push it to Prometheus). I’ve started using ESPHome recently to manage Bluetooth devices and am noticing now that there are a few working ESPHome templates for both the Emporia Vue and the Emporia plug energy monitors. Awesome - local is always better!

One thing I really like about the Emporia ecosystem is you can inform their cloud that the power switch device “foo” is plugged in to the circuit “bar” monitored by the Vue device. This has the effect of subtracting the “foo” power usage from the “bar” circuit so you can know things like: “The 3D printer is using 150 watts right now on the office circuit and the remaining stuff on that circuit is using about 57 watts”

I’ve been poking around and can’t tell if this is possible in the ESPHome ecosystem. Does anyone know how that might be configured so I can fully buy in to the ESPHome local ecosystem rather than the cloud-only Emporia setup?

No, but the Sankey chart card supports it.