Can I change a detected z-wave device from a switch to a light?

I have a mix of Homeseer WS100 and WD100. The main difference is the one switch has dimming and the other does not. When detected, the WS100 are detected as switches and the WD100 are detected as lights. This becomes a problem with automation because my services end up being different; some are switches and some are lights.

Is there a way I can change the switches to lights? In looking at zwcfg_.xml file I see several things that look promising but it would be nice to get some direction before I start a trial and error process.

Don’t know, but you can use the homeassistant services to switch both:

  service: homeassistant.turn_on
    - switch.your_switch
    - light.your_light
    - media_player.your_media_player
    - [...]

oh, I didn’t know that. That’s helpful. Thanks,

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To the best of my knowledge (I could well be wrong) when HA says “light” it actually means “dimmer”, which is an immutable property of the hardware you installed, as detected over z-wave: “lights” have dimming hardware, “switches” do not. There are no non-dimmable “lights”. As far as grouping / labels / icons are concerned, those could be changed to look like whatever you want - you might even be able to map a “light” to a lesser “switch”; but I don’t think you can turn a “switch” into a “light”…

For the people looking for a solution to this in the future: it’s explained and solved here: Change Z-Wave switch to a light entity

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