Can I dismiss/ignore this notification?

I added the webostv component to control my LG tv. It works fine, but ever since adding it I keep getting this notification in home assistant. If I dismiss it, it will return next time I restart home assistant, if not before.

I don’t have any homekit-related hardware, and I just want to ignore it. Can I do that somehow?
If I press “configure” my tv shows a QR code and gives me some homekit related directions. I have no apple devices at all.

Does anyone know? This is what it looks like:

In case it’s relevant, this is how I have added the webostv component to my configuration.yaml:

  - platform: webostv
    filename: webostv.cnf
    timeout: 5
      service: wake_on_lan.send_magic_packet
        mac: "20:17:***********"

Have you tried removing discovery: from your configuration yaml?

Thanks for your reply. No, I do not have discovery: in my configuration.yaml. It could be on by default somehow though, as new devices seem to be auto discovered. But isn’t this functionality that I want to keep? Is disabling it altogether the only solution?

Then you probably have default_config:?

I don’t know. Do you? I don’t like it personally.

No idea. It was just something to test troubleshooting…

If you complete the pairing process it should get rid of the notification without creating a new entity. See here for more info.

In short, Home Assistant can control HomeKit devices even if you don’t own Apple hardware. HomeKit displays currently aren’t supported, but Home Assistant will still discover them.

Thanks both, I will try removing default_config. I assume a ton of entities I have taken for granted will have to be set up again, but I agree it’s nice to have more control over what’s added to HA and not.

I will see if I can get through the pairing process.

Visit the documentation page for it, and you will see what you can add back in (stuff that you want)