My house has 2 levels. Just wondering I can add 2 Zigbee dongle to extend the range coverage. Or is this unncessary as more Zigbee devices will automatically form a mesh network.
Ciurrently I have one Sonoff usb dongle plus (E) connected but I have not start pairing more devices to the other level of the house yet.
I recently migrated to Skyconnect dongle and ended up starting my network from scratch.
Lesson I learned was to think about interconnections as you go. So I started downstairs and went room by room (starting closest to my HA box) adding the lights from each room. Then did the same with upstairs starting with the lights closest to the hub and lights downstairs.
Only after all my bulbs were added did I then follow the same path with my battery powered sensor devices.
Whether it be the Skyconnect being better than the conbee II or just a better mesh (or both) I don’t know but I’ve had no devices fall off the network and automations triggered by the sensors seem to be a bit more snappy (I’ve no measurable evidence of this just a gut feeling responsiveness has improved).
cannot wait to get my hands on my Skyconnect delivery, I think I am on the 3rd batch. However I do not know of a way to check delivery forecast / status, perhaps only after it is shipped
This makes a lot of sense, I guess you built up the Zigbee / thread network bit by bit by adding / extending from the base to the furthest point. I do not think the reverse would work