Can i have multiple Radio's assigned to ZHA

As above im having no luck with Zigbee2MQTT and my shiny new POE radio…ive posted but no ones replied…short of doing another fresh build i wondered i can assign both the poe radio and the Existing usb sonoff radio at the same time??

Not as two coordinators, but you can run one coordinator and one flashed with router firmware.

Right ok - the poe device is a SLZB-06P7 - there is an option to switch to be a router…what does router mode mean…the issue that im having is that ive got random devices dropping off the zha config…so the idea was to add the second radio and run that in Zigbee2MQTT but at the moment thats dead in the water…no matter what i try it wont work…

Router mode / firmware means the device no longer is the coordinator, but only routes traffic. Typically you use it like that if you have spots where the coverage is poor. In a Zigbee network you can only have one coordinator (think of it as a network router if that is easier) but multiple router devices (that would be switches or access points in a network perspective).

Right - thanks. Ok. I have solved my problem…took it on the chin and rebuilt the server - got everything running now…Handy though - another question on the back of that…if it becomes a router, can it route both zigbe2mqtt and ZHA at the same time or is it one or the other…?

I think I’ve already answered you on this in a previous thread? You cannot mix and match different zigbee networks. They are isolated and do not talk to each other.