Hey everone…
I know im probably asking a lot but has Anyone got any clever ideas as to how to make a custom logbook???
I really want to simplify the UI experience displaying the logbook using the logbook card in lovelace as well as decluttering the data that is shown … so I started by creating a simplfied version of my own logbook by using a template sensor:
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Joeys Xbox"
value_template: >-
{% if is_state('input_boolean.joeys_xbox_power', 'on') %}
powered up and playing
{% else %}
powered down
{% endif %}
However, whenever it is triggered by a service call or anything similar the logbook card diplays :
Joeys Xbox changed to powered up and playing triggered by service input_boolean.turn_on
2:54:25 PM - 27 minutes ago - admin
what I really want is a simplified less technical version of the above:
Joeys Xbox changed to powered up and playing
2:54:25 PM - 27 minutes ago - admin
I really want to drop whatever triggered the event (script/automation/service call) - which to my wife (the disciplinarian) says is irrelevant to her (esp when she is at a 8/10 in fury level)