Can I use my phone as an NFC tag

Just hooked up an RC522 tag reader to an ESP, it reads tags ok, an gives a unique ID for each of the tags I have.

I really wanted to use my phone as a tag, but get a different Tag ID every time I present it to the reader, so a bit confused. My phone does have NFC.

Regards Dave


Hi there,

I have the same question. Is it possible, to use an Android phone as an NFC Tag? My idea is, to use the reader as a kind of lock. I simply like to use the phone, present it to the reader and the door should open…especially for the kids. They won’t forget the phone at home before leaving… :wink:

Thanks a lot, if anybody knows how to do that!



Can’t answer the original question, but for this use case I think doing the opposite makes the most sense (and is what I do for my exterior door and garage door). Just put an NFC tag by the door and tap it with your phone to lock/unlock/open/close it. Cheaper, more secure and easier.

Nice idea, have a few tags, some I cant seem to write to, get an error, but others I can.

Many thanks for the reply and easy solution

But then the telephone has to have HA installed ?.

Yeah, although that’s kind of the point (from a security standpoint). Only a HA user (for your instance) with the app installed can use the tags for anything.