Can not access remote server in node red


I’m using the NodeRed hassio addon for a long time now, and I’m trying to access an openhab instance on Using Hassio, I am unable to reach this openhab instance.

If I install NodeRed (same version) on another pi directly from the commandline (so no hassio), accessing the OpenHab instance works without any problems.

Does this have to do with any (docker) network settings ?

Thx in advance !

Just to check. Have you turned off the protection mode in the NodeRed addon settings?
If it is on this will prevent the addon from accessing anything but the docker instance.

That’s my understanding of it. Anyone can feel fee to correct me if need be.

Hi @skutter, thanks for your reply.
I’ve toggled the protection mode, but it made no difference :cry:

Change the setting then change the logging level to debug ‘in the addon config’ then restart the addon and try again.
After which check the logs. Sadly I’m no expert but every little helps.

Debugging deeper, I notice that the data is being retrieved from the server (I added tracing to the node), but apparently in the javascript callback, all the data is gone :frowning:

Perhaps a question to the original author of the addon will shed some light on it for you.

Like I said previously; I’m no expert but I do have an analytical mind.

For comparison I have the ‘glances’ addon installed whilst running in docker with hassio. To read the specs from the host machine (a laptop) it has to have the protection mode disabled.
So if data can be returned from the host here perhaps then we can look at the addon itself!
Specifically if you can see the data being retrieved from the remote host.

As a disclaimer my reasoning may be flawed.

Still struggling with this …

I have an ubuntu machine, which is running the supervised home assistant installation. I also run an OpenHab container. NodeRed is not able to retrieve the items from OpenHab.

If i install openhab with a separated NodeRed instance on another host, everything works fine …

Does this post help?

That is what I already have. Openhab and HA on different hosts, each with a separate NR install. Not very ideal.